Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Qualifications for Sheep Herding

I have found the subject of Sheep Herding by Aussie working dogs to be extremely informational and applicable.

All herding behavior is modified predatory behavior but through selective breeding and intense specialized training, the dog's natural inclination to treat cattle and sheep as prey has been minimized while their strong hunting skills are maintained, creating an effective herd leading dog. 

Australian cattle dogs nip at the heels of sheep and that is where the name 'Heelers' comes from. Heelers typically stay behind the herd and push them forward.

Border Collie's are known as headers, they have the knack for getting in front of the sheep and using a trick called 'strong eye', which means to stare the down the animals using intimidation. Headers consistently run to the front or head of the animals with the intention to stop the mob of sheep from moving.

German Shepherds are known historically as being 'tending' dogs. Shepherds act as a 'living fence', guiding large mobs of sheep to the grazing fields and preventing them from wandering onto roads and being lost or killed.

Interestingly, a mob of sheep can also be called a flock.

Biting the sheep is totally unacceptable and is grounds for instant disqualification. Gripping is another serious predatory behavior that dogs are wont to do, it involves a range of harmful behaviors from gripping and tearing off the woolen fleece to hanging on to a leg or tail causing bleeding out, severe bruising and sometimes, fatal damage.

I learned that once a sheep arrives at the place of processing (abattoir) and is inspected by a qualified veterinarian, if there is bruising or wounds on the flesh, then the pastoralist is warned and the value of the carcass is greatly reduced.

There are many novice handlers who are inclined to panic when faced with a dog who grips, tears and injures, but shouting and screaming at the violent dog will only make the dog frenzied, run faster or both, leaving a trail of injured sheep in the field.

The best way to stay awake and ahead of this predatory behavior is to calm down, study the training manual and look for the signs, preferably beforehand. Forewarned really is being forearmed, especially in this case.

I wouldn't attempt the work of sheep herding with any ordinary run of the mill bastard dog. Training and Qualification are absolutes, especially for a fair price at market for the fleece and meat from those that value unblemished sheep.

I cant help but see the similarities between Australian sheep herding and the answer our Lord gave HERE

  1. But remember that without the fruit of repentance, and a broken heart and a contrite spirit, you cannot keep my covenant; for I, your Lord, am meek and lowly of heart. Be like me. You have all been wounded, your hearts pierced through with sorrows because of how the world has treated you. But you have also scarred one another by your unkind treatment of each other, and you do not notice your misconduct toward others because you think yourself justified in this. You bear the scars on your countenances, from the soles of your feet to the head, and every heart is faint. Your visages have been so marred that your hardness, mistrust, suspicions, resentments, fear, jealousies, and anger toward your fellow man bear outward witness of your inner self; you cannot hide it. When I appear to you, instead of confidence, you feel shame. You fear and withdraw from me because you bear the blood and sins of your treatment of brothers and sisters. Come to me and I will make sins as scarlet become white as snow, and I will make you stand boldly before me, confident of my love.
  2. I descended below it all, and know the sorrows of you all, and have borne the grief of it all, and I say to you, Forgive one another. Be tender with one another, pursue judgment, bless the oppressed, care for the orphan, and uplift the widow in her need, for I have redeemed you from being orphaned and taken you that you are no longer a widowed people. Rejoice in me, and rejoice with your brethren and sisters who are mine also. Be one.

THIS scripture also comes to mind:
No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood; only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned, by kindness and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul; without hypocrisy and without guile; reproving betimes with sharpness when moved upon by the holy ghost, and then showing forth afterward an increase of love toward him whom you have reproved (lest he esteem you to be his enemy), that he may know that your faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death; your bowels also being full of charity toward all men, and to the household of faith; and virtue garnish your thoughts unceasingly. Then shall your confidence wax strong in the presence of God, and the doctrines of the Priesthood shall distill upon your soul as the dews from heaven. The holy ghost shall be your constant companion, and your scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth, and your dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto you for ever and ever.

I think we can all be prone to having a little Aussie sheep herding blood in us, especially when we think and act as if we are the German shepherds, but we are really fools, misguided or worse, inwardly ravening wolves. Unfortunately though, this is serious business of Him who values the safety of His flock and if there are any who behave like this, we are simply going to be 'put down' or disqualified in the scriptural understanding.

Receiving feigned commission directly from another man to "guard the flock or move the mob" according to our own understanding will always lead to abuse. Sheep can be killed without any physical violence but through cruelty of words and action.

The challenge has always been to receive our qualifications for service with the Shepherd through Instruction and Knowledge. To become harmless sons and daughters of God being filled with Wisdom and Charity. We must love the Master and obey with exactitude the commands of this Good Shepherd. He is the one who will directly call His servants.

1 comment:

  1. Good comparison and analogy.
    Brings to mind comparable ideas of “false shepherds” and “blind guides”.
    Only Christ himself calls true guides, true shepherds and recognizes the true sheep that follow Him. Men professing or calling other men is a counterfeit and always results in a corrupted flock and shepherds.
    Thanks for the insights and exploring such an important idea.


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